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Progress Newspaper Clippings from Jan, 8, 1948 through July 22, 1948

Many folks were all a dither and much excited this week on Wednesday when word was circulated that there was a possibility that the “Island Home” would be given to the Village to be used for a library and community center.

The owner, a Mrs. McCormick, we are told, was represented here Wednesday by her attorney, who is none other than the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gil Daane. He met with members of the library board in the afternoon.

In the evening, on Wednesday, he met in special session with our Village Council members. Certain financial requirements must be met to assure the upkeep of the building and grounds.

The property contains over four acres, and is the most ideal spot around, and certainly would meet a great need in our community.

As we go to press certain negotiations are being carried on, and the outlook looks very favorable.

We trust that we may have good news for our readers next week as well as more details.

The following telegram was received Wednesday from the law firm in Cleveland, Ohio, who represents Mrs. Stanley McCormick and her interests. The telegram was sent to Mrs. Margaret Williams in care of the Village President, by Warren Daane of that firm: R.B. Zupin, Village President:

“Mrs. Stanley McCormick will present to the Village of Elk Rapids property known as “The Island” as a gift for a Library, Park and Community Center, furnishings of the house and all other buildings included. No maintenance comes with this gift.

“In legal transfer there will be certain restrictions which have already been somewhat discussed and agreed upon by the Village Council, Township Board and representation from the Library Board.”

Action on this by the Village Council was necessary as soon as possible to either adopt or reject by Resolution, and copy of the resolution transmitted to the law firm in Cleveland.

President Zupin called a special meeting of the council at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday evening to act on this important matter, and the Resolution was unanimously adopted by the council.

A copy of the Resolution was sent to Mr. Warren Daane of the law firm in Cleveland this morning (Thursday) by Air Mail.

This will be the go signal to proceed with the deed and abstract in favor of the Village of Elk Rapids.

More information on this matter will be given as soon as the legal papers are arranged and received by the Council, President Zupin has stated.

Mr. Walter Daane, Attorney for Mrs. Katherine Dexter McCormick appeared before the Council and presented the Abstract of Title and Warranty Deed to The Island property, to President Zupin.

The following resolutions were presented by Trustee Ladd supported by Grace:

Whereas: Mrs. Katherine Dexter McCormick has presented to the Village of Elk Rapids, as a gift in memory of her father, Wirt Dexter, a deed of the property known as “The Island,” dated April 29, 1948, and has also presented to the village the tangible personal property belonging to her in the Island house; and

Whereas, said deed contains restrictions and covenants that the property is to be used as a library, park, place of assembly, village hall, or community center, that in no event shall the premises be used as a hospital, nursing home, convalescent home, or for any similar institutions or purposes, and that the property shall be known as “The Elk Rapids Library”; and

Whereas, the Council heretofore on March 31, 1948, voted to accept the gift by Mrs. McCormick of “The Island,”

Resolved, that the Village of Elk Rapids hereby accepts the deed by Mrs. Katherine Dexter McCormick of the Island property, dated April 29, 1948, subject to the restrictions and covenants therein contained.

Resolved, that R.B. Zupin, President, is hereby authorized to execute the deed on behalf of the Village of Elk Rapids.

Resolved, that the property so deeded to the Village of Elk Rapids, shall hereafter be known as “The Elk Rapids Library.”

Resolved, that the Village Elk Rapids hereby accepts the gift by Mrs. McCormick of the tangible personal property belonging to her in the Island House.

Resolved, that the Council, on behalf of the Village of Elk Rapids, hereby extends its sincerest thanks to Mrs. Katherine Dexter McCormick for her generous gifts of the Island property and its contents, and instructs the Clerk to send a copy of this resolution to Mrs. McCormick.

The Resolution was passed by a unanimous vote of the Trustees.

“Two years ago there came into my possession five stalwart oaken side chairs originally made for my father and used by him in his Chicago home when I was a child. I have had these chairs put into good condition with leatheroid seats as I thought they would be useful in the Island Home. If the Elk Rapids Library feels that these chairs would be useful there now I will have them shipped-all charges prepaid-to the Library.”

Sincerely yours,
Mrs. Stanley McCormick

Village President R.B. Zupin advised The Progress, that a letter of acceptance has been sent to Mrs. McCormick.

… Mr. Walter Daane, Attorney for Mrs. Katherine Dexter McCormick appeared before the Council and presented the Abstract of Title and Warranty Deed to The Island property, to President Zupm.

The following resolutions were presented by Trustee Ladd supported by Grace:

Whereas: Mrs. Katherine Dexter McCormick has presented to the Village of Elk Rapids, as a gift in memory of her father, Wirt Dexter, a deed of the property known as “The Island”, dated April 29, 1948, and has also presented to the village the tangible personal property belonging to her in the Island house; and

Whereas, said deed contains restrictions and covenants that the property is to be used as a library, park, place of assembly, village hail, or community center, that in no event shall the premises be used as a hospital, nursing home, convalescent home, or for any similar institutions or purposes, and that the property shall be known as “The Elk Rapids Library”; and

Whereas, the Council heretofore on March 31, 1948, voted to accept the gift by Mrs. McCormick of “The Island”,

Resolved, that the Village of Elk Rapids hereby accepts the deed by Mrs. Katherine Dexter McCormick of the Island property, dated April 29,1948, subject to the restrictions and covenants therein contained.

Resolved, that R.B. Zupin, President, is hereby authorized to execute the deed on behalf of the Village of Elk Rapids.

Resolved, that the property so deeded to the Village of Elk Rapids, shall hereafter be known as “The Elk Rapids Library.”

Resolved, that the Village Elk Rapids hereby accepts the gift by Mrs. McCormick of the tangible personal property belonging to her in the Island house.

Resolved, that the Council, on behalf of the Village of Elk Rapids, hereby extends its sincerest thanks to Mrs. Katherine Dexter McCormick for her generous gifts of the Island property and its contents, and instructs the Clerk to send a copy of this resolution to Mr. McCormick.

The Resolution was passed by a unanimous vote of the Trustees.

McCormick and will be of interest to the Village of Elk Rapids:

“Two years ago there came into my possession five stalwart oaken side chairs originally made for my father and used by him in his Chicago home when I was a child. I have had these chairs put into good condition with leatheroid seats as I thought they would be useful in the Island Home. If the Elk Rapids Library feels that these chairs would be useful there now I will have them shipped-all charges prepaid-to the Library.”

Sincerely yours,
Mrs. Stanley McCormick

Village President R.B. Zupin advised The Progress, that a letter of acceptance has been sent to Mrs. McCormick.

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